Saturday, April 03, 2010

Why Are You So Shocked?

Shocked - S
hould Hydro Ontario Covertly Kindle Electrical Demand ?

How shocking is it really that Hydro rates are going up? It's hardly even news it happens with such certainty and regularity. All the experts keep telling us that we have to pay what it costs. So, now along with debt servicing charges (all electrical puns intended) from the old Ontario Hydro and delivery charges (Canada Post would be cheaper) and line losses we now will have to fork up "Time of Use" charges, HST and a Green Energy incentive, surcharge or whatever.

Are you smarter than a "Smart Meter?" Can you outwit that whirligig bolted to the outside wall? You might have a better chance if it stopped flashing so fast. It's like a VLT, the numbers keep flashing in a bewildering blur but there's never a payout. So this new meter will help us plan our Hydro consumption and make us aware of off-peak bonanzas that await us. By the way weekends are all off peak so we can start by doing all our cooking for the week on Saturday and Sunday. That should all go in the freezer but if you time it right things won't start to go bad until next weekend. Should do the laundry then too I suppose. Wow those dishes really pile up over the week, we should do those. That birdhouse project your daughter was supposed to take to school last week could be done now too. The time lock is off the power saw. Is it Monday morning already? Time to throw the big switch on the panel again.

No. You can't outsmart the Smart Meter. Shocked? Everything About Hydro is Shocking.

Copyright 2010 by the Stargeazer

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