Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Why Are You So Confused?

Allow me to clear up a few things for you.

It's not very complicated and doesn't take a lot of your time. If you haven't donated to Haiti relief yet go to the nearest mirror and see if you can stand to look at yourself.

Remember when English grammar was taught in school and parts of speech were important? Prorogue is a verb or an action word that Archie Bunker may have used in the context of, "Prorogue yourself Edith." Pro is an adjective and is an abbreviation of professional, meaning highly skilled. Rogue is a noun and means
a mischievous person. A Pro Rogue is a Prime Minister. More grammar lessons to come.

If you're going to "Pie" someone you should at least have the decency to use an appropriate flavour. This means that tofu should never be used, ever, for anything except "safe" hockey pucks. (I would still have all my teeth if we'd had tofu hockey pucks when I was a kid.) Shouldn't PETA have opted for a suitable flavour for a Minister of the Crown in charge of the seal hunt? Something like seal flipper pie would have made the point much more strongly and would have been less offensive.

Speaking of hockey, you know you don't have to like it to be Canadian, eh? There are no hockey questions on the Citizenship test.

Quitting smoking may be the hardest thing you will ever do but it will be the most rewarding for yourself and all those friends and family around you. Whatever you may be going through right now remember that you only want to go through it once. Don't quit more than once.


  1. Hey Mike and Holly,
    How's it going? Great to see your blog and looking forward to more of it.
    Come visit my blog at


  2. hi Mike, this is a test to see if I can post now. Thanks for adjusting settings. I look forward to your pearls of wisdom. It seems I can post as anonymous but not from my live journal
