Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Why Are You So Discerning?

Your taste buds are alive again! Who doesn't like Eggs Benedict? Well, just sit down in the corner over there until this is over. Here's a great new recipe from the latest issue of Gastronomica Pompuoso. I'm just dying to try it but I'll need a little time to gather the requisite supplies. It certainly seems scrumptious in the reading so I'd like to share it with you now even before it's kitchen tested.


Makes 1. For other quantities, multiply the following by the number required.

1 large Himalyan Ptarmigan egg

Top 1/2 of an English muffin*
3/16" thick slice of Canadian Back Bacon
Yak butter
Golden Parsley
7,5 kg of Saffron from only purple crocus
1 Package Knorr Hollaindaise Sauce mix

Poach the egg, being very careful not to solidify any of the yolk. If any of it does, keep poaching eggs until you get it right. Be sure that none of the white remains runny and if it does, go back to Sentence two.

Toast the top half of the English muffin* over a bed of hardwood charcoal from which no flame should be allowed to rise. The English muffin* should be evenly browned to a colour matching Benjamin Moore Historic Colour HC115 Chichester Tan. You know what to do if it isn’t. Unsalted yak butter is preferred but you may use salted.

In a lightly greased French cast iron chasseur warm the slice of bacon to a temperature in the range of 147.2°F and 52.3°C. Maintain temperature until other ingredients are ready.

Make sauce.

On a fine bone china plate, Wedgewood or Hammersly or Royal Doulton would do, place, adhering strictly to the given order

1. The top half of the buttered English muffin.*

2. The warmed slice of back bacon.

3. The PPPE**

4. Hollandaise Sauce .

5. Saffron (Use liberally. The price is at an all-time low.)

6. Parsley

Bon Appetit!

*An English muffin is not really a muffin. Don’t be fooled into accepting a "Fruit Explosion."

**Perfectly Poached Ptarmigan Egg

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