Thursday, February 18, 2010

Why Are You So Unsporting?


Our Leading Youth Masterfully Participating In Competitive Sports

Stephen Colbert who? When we need some patronizing right-wing anti-social diatribe delivered by a pudgy, nerdy, stone-faced, unfunny neo-con, we'll call on our Prime Minister, thank you very much. In the meantime, as Spiro Agnew used to say, "Love it or leave it." Aw, is he gone already? Pity.

Some people are upset with the scores of the woman's football, sorry, I mean hockey scores. There's even talk about voting the event out of the Winter Olympics because of lack of competition. It would be a travesty if woman's hockey were removed from the games just as it is a travesty that woman's ski jump is not part of the Games.

Maybe Team I.O.C. should vote out some other activities first. How about the TEAM IOC GORGING events? Eat and drink to excess at will. TEAM IOC EXCESSIVE WORLD TRAVEL TO INSPECT VENUES events.could be cut back maybe. TEAM IOC is the only team allowed to participate in these sports and there seems to be no age limit.

Here's a hot, hitherto undiscovered fact, a real news flash! The bobsled/luge/skeleton track is dangerous! Getting into a cage with a 900lb gorilla is dangerous. Formula 1 racing is dangerous. Base-jumping is dangerous. Here's a venue that has as one of it's event names, the part that's left of your body if you make it down successfully. Of course it's dangerous. The Downhill course is dangerous too. No one should have to lose their lives for their sport but these are inherently dangerous and the athletes know it. No one is to blame.

Two one-hundredths of a second is not a particularly long time. Driving (or skating) at 100km/h you would move about 55cm or 22in. That was the distance between our own winner Christine Nesbitt and Dutch skater Gerritson. That's not very much but a better margin by which to win than to lose.

So the British Press is unhappy with Vanoc and the Games. That's not very sporting now is it chaps? After all 2012 is not far away and what comes around goes around. In a country where one can hardly swing a Yorkshire terrier there may a slight hitch here and there to which the world's attention may have to be drawn. The Queen may still be our Head of State but we can change, if we have to. President Harper sounds no worse than Prime Minister Harper.

Copyright 2010 Stargeazer

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